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Low-T Side Effects Lawsuits

In recent months, lawsuits have been filed and litigation has begun against the makers of testosterone therapy products. These testosterone products (also called testosterone replacement therapy) are typically topical creams prescribed by doctors to men for a variety of reasons, often related to aging or lack of libido. These creams and gels (and in some cases, injections) use synthetic forms of the male hormone testosterone. Alleged to help men recover youthful vigor, energy, or sex drive, these powerful medications have come with a large number of side effects, side effects that include severe chest paints, heart attack, stroke, and even death. In most cases, patients were not warned of the risk of severe side effects from using so-called "Low T" products, and many men suffered serious health consequences from these testosterone products.

Testosterone therapy and supplementation was originally approved by the FDA only for cases of hypogonadism; a rare condition where the male body produces far less testosterone than it normally does. Some doctors, and the manufacturers, are accused of over-prescribing these powerful medications for health issues unrelated to hypogonadism, causing more serious cardiovascular side effects in otherwise healthy men. For many men who were told they suffered from "Low T", these products were said to be a safe way to increase their free testosterone levels and feel healthier. Many of these men had no history of heart problems prior to using testosterone drugs, but then suffered heart attacks or strokes as a result of their usage. As a consequence of the large number of current and potential victims who have potential legal claims against the makers of these products, low testosterone lawsuits are now being heard in a large multidistrict litigation case in Illinois. This lawsuit involves the makers of the two most popular testosterone products, Androgel and AndroDerm, and dozens of victims from all over the U.S. who took these or other similar drugs.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by Androgel or similar testosterone products prescribed by a doctor, please fill out the case form to have your case details reviewed by a testosterone side effect attorney. There is no obligation and one of our qualified lawyers will review your case free of charge to determine if you have a claim against the manufacturer responsible.

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